The security guard woke up and realized he was no longer alone at the art gallery.

Help him deal with them and uncover what's really going on there. 

WASD to move  (+ shift to move a bit faster, I added it during development for playtesting and was planning on removing the feature so play without it if you like the extra challenge. The Android version doesn't contain sprint functionality)

Difficulty modes change your FOV distance, the number of patrolling people, as well as their wait times (Patrollers are only killable when idle) 

I mainly made all assets in this game (including the lousy cutscene arts)

For the level tileset I used:

The sound effects all come from:

The menu music is Ai generated:

(For some reason the WebGL build decided not to play the Music on menus which is probably an issue from going back and forth between different platforms and compression types but I probably won't update this till after the jam if ever. The windows and android builds work normally.)

PS: the game is fully playable on mobile in the browser, but the joystick and kill buttons are invisible. (left side joystick to move) right side button to kill. 

The joystick movement is a bit fidgety. 

Have fun!


Download 27 MB
The Night Guard.apk 29 MB

Install instructions

Downloading the android version directly to your phone might have your phone not trust it, I find it easier to download it to my PC and send it to myself or use a USB cable.


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Fits to the theme really good and I like that I cas still see things in the dark, even if I can´t see everything, it´s really cool and mysterious.